
General rules for reviewing manuscripts

  1. Thematic editors first verify it the submitted manuscripts are in line with the thematic areas of the journal.
  2. Only those manuscripts that meet editorial criteria are sent for formal review to two independent reviewers not affiliated with the authors’ organizations.
  3. The identities of the reviewers are not revealed to the authors of the submitted manuscripts.
  4. The reviewers are required to sign a declaration confirming the absence of any conflict of interest between the reviewers and the authors (e.g. direct personal relationships: legal relationship, conflicts, professional dependency, direct cooperation within the period of two years prior to submission of the manuscript).
  5. The reviewer has to confirm that she/he is familiar with the Journal's code of ethics by signing the declaration.
  6. The review is in a written form in compliance with the review form recommended by the editor. The review should clearly state whether the manuscript is acceptable for publication or not.
  7. The review form is available on the journal website.
  8. The reviews (positive and negative) are sent to the authors who have the right to respond to these reviews.
  9. In case when the reviewers disagree the editor can send the manuscript to the third reviewer.
  10. The authors of the accepted manuscripts can introduce minor changes to their manuscripts according to the reviewers’ recommendation. Major changes that are introduced to the manuscript are verified by the reviewers whereas minor changes are accepted by the editor.
  11. The corresponding author sings the declaration confirming that the research results have not been published elsewhere. The signed declaration should be sent (as a hard copy or a scan sent via email) with the final version of the manuscript for publication.
  12. The list of reviewers is published once a year and is available on the journal website.